Capturing veterans' codes in medical health records is beneficial for a number of reasons:
Targeted Healthcare: Veterans often have unique health needs due to their service, including exposure to physical, psychological, and environmental risks. Identifying veterans allows healthcare providers to tailor care to these specific needs, such as specialised mental health support for PTSD or screenings for conditions related to military service.
Access to Veteran-Specific Services: Veterans may be eligible for specific healthcare services and benefits, like specialised treatments or referral pathways, funded by the government or veteran organisations. Proper coding ensures that healthcare providers recognise a patient as a veteran, facilitating quicker access to these resources.
Enhanced Continuity of Care: When veterans transition between different healthcare providers, accurate coding in health records supports seamless care. It helps ensure that service-related health information follows the veteran through the healthcare system, enabling clinicians to provide continuity in treatment.
Data for Resource Allocation: Understanding the number and distribution of veterans within the healthcare system allows organisations to allocate resources effectively. This information can guide funding decisions, staffing, and program development to meet veterans' needs.
Research and Policy Development: Veterans' health data contributes to public health research, helping to identify trends and areas needing attention, such as rates of certain illnesses among veterans. This information is critical for forming policies that support veterans' health and well-being.
Recognition and Respect for Service: Including veteran status in health records can also be a sign of acknowledgment and respect, ensuring veterans feel seen and valued within the healthcare system.
Have you let your practice know you are a Veteran? If not it is as easy as filling in the card above and handing it in to your surgery, who will code your medical record for you."I said, I served" and my record has been updated for my healthcare needs for now and in the future